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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Silent Storm

After a fire, your home can be consumed by the smell of smoke. It can be unbearable to live with and to make matters worse, it is absorbed by any surface, including walls and furniture. Ozone is a safe chemical-free deodorizing process that will remove any smell; from smoke to pet odors. At Advanced Restoration, we use this gentle deodorizing process to restore your home and its contents back to the great smell free items they were.

The earth’s natural ozone layer is produced through the interaction of solar energy and oxygen in the atmosphere, such as lightning and thunderstorms. This natural occurrence in our atmosphere has been duplicated in a form that allows us to create ozone whenever and wherever. This process uses a discharging phenomenon that occurs between two electrodes when high voltage is applied. Dielectric materials, such as glass are applied between the electrodes, resulting in the current not passing between the electrodes. And unlike thunder and lightning, there is no intense light or loud thunder.

Ozone is composed of three atoms of oxygen; the third oxygen atom in ozone is unstable and wants to react with an organic material, such as an odor-causing carbon molecule. When the third oxygen atom breaks off from the other two oxygen atoms, they simply turn into oxygen and the third atom becomes a powerful oxidizer that breaks down odor molecules and converts them into water vapor and carbon dioxide, without leaving a perfume or residue.

The process takes up to eight hours but eliminates the odor for good. It is important to note that ozone is hazardous to breathe. If this process is used in your home, you and your pets should not be present until the ozone process has been complete. This process can even be used in your car to remove cigar and cigarette smells. Though large amounts of ozone are not good to inhale, it is by far safer to use than a chemical process that leaves lingering residue.


Restoration Reports; About Ozones by Michael Schumer
The Use of Ozone in Restoration Services Michael Schumer March 1987

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