Can you imagine what it must have been like before technology?
Today we have life saving x-ray technology, solar panels to create natural energy, and the internet to find information and keep in touch with family members and friends that live far away.
Here is a list of some of the newest technology and inventions:

· Wall climbing car- This toy has a built in vacuum making it stay on any flat surface including walls and ceilings.
· USB memory watch- This watch has 8GB memory storage.
· Bluetooth laser keyboard- This virtual keyboard can perform all the same tasks of a regular keyboard completely wireless.
And of course…
· Flying car- This airplane/car is supposed to be introduced sometime next year! Want to see it for yourself? Visit http://www.terrafugia.com/

Advanced Restoration is no stranger to technology. We are one of the only restoration companies who use a FLIR camera. This device identifies the source and severity of water damage, defects in construction, and insect infestations.