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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Travel Preparations

Travel is a great way to rejuvenate from a busy schedule. So go explore the world and learn about different cultures; Have a tropical experience in Hawaii, have an African safari, or maybe just have a reunion.

Planning a summer vacation? Just make sure to take the following precautions before you leave for your destination:

Water Damage Tips

  • Turn off your main water source- with the constant water pressure, pipes can burst causing a flood in your home.
  • Turn your water heater down.
  • Check seals on faucets, shower heads, and toilets. Repair any damage that has been done to caulking.
  • Switch out the rubber hoses on appliances (such as the washing machine) for the more durable steel hoses. This can help you avoid leaks.

Vandalism Tips

  • Don’t put a message on your answering machine, face book page, or blog that you are going on vacation. It is good to tell a trusted neighbor or friend that you are going on vacation so they can watch over your house, but telling anyone else is like saying, “I am going to be gone this weekend so feel free to rob me.”
  • Leave spare keys with a trusted neighbor. Thieves know to look under the mat and under rocks; if you leave a key outside your house they will find it.
  • Get a good alarm system.
  • Automatic lighting systems can make it look like you’re home.
  • Have someone pick up your newspaper while you are gone. Seeing a stack of newspapers on your porch alerts thieves that you are gone.

Fire Tips

  • Turn off or unplug appliances. If left on for too long, appliances such as candle warmers and irons can start fires.
  • Turn off gas to avoid leaks.
  • Make sure you are current on your home insurance and have a GREAT vacation!

Reference List
Allen, Josh. "Water Damage; Simple Steps to Protect Your Pocket 2." Free Articles Directory Submit Articles - N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Aug. 2010. .
"Before leaving for a vacation, Take these precautions! Security World News." Home Security Magazine, Today's Online News, Security World News. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Aug. 2010. .
Bonincontro, Aldo , and James Mockridge. "The benefits of travel in your life experiences - Travel Diaries & Adventures (Other) - Helium." Helium - Where Knowledge Rules. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Aug. 2010. .
Sardone, Susan Breslow. "When to Go Where in July/August - Best Places to Vacation in July/August ." Honeymoons Romantic Getaways - No. 1 in Honeymoons - Honeymoons Ideas. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Aug. 2010.

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