Meth labs not only affect those who live in them but those who live around them. Health risks vary depending on the chemical, the way it is exposed to the body, concentration and quantity. Chemicals can enter the body simply by breathing them in, by eating them, injecting them, and by being absorbed through the skin.
‘Acute Exposure: An acute chemical exposure is one that occurs over a relatively short period of time and may result in health effects. An acute exposure to high levels of contaminants found in meth labs cause shortness of breath, cough, chest pain, dizziness, lack of coordination, chemical irritation, lesions and burns to the skin, eyes, mouth and nose, and in severe cases, death. Acute reactions of this nature could occur during or immediately after a drug bust, before the lab has been ventilated.
Less severe symptoms resulting from a less acute exposure cause headache, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue or lethargy. These symptoms have been known to occur in people who have entered a drug lab after the bust has been completed, but before the property has been adequately cleaned and ventilated. These symptoms usually go away after several hours.
Corrosive Effects: Inhalation or skin exposure may result in injury from corrosive substances present in a meth lab. Symptoms range from shortness of breath, cough, chest pain, to burns to the skin.
Solvents: Exposure to solvents can irritate the skin, mucous membranes, respiratory tract, and cause central nervous system effects. They are also dangerous because of their fire and explosive properties.
Chronic Exposure: Chronic exposure occurs over an extended period of time, such as weeks, months, or years. A chronic health effect is one that usually appears after a lengthy period of time, possibly years. Not much is known about the chronic health effects from these labs. However, there is scientific evidence from animal and human toxicity studies that shows the chemicals used to manufacture meth can cause a range of health effects include cancer, damage to the brain, liver and kidneys, birth defects, and reproductive problems, such as miscarriages.’ (
A good way to find out if your home was used to make meth is to talk to neighbors and the police department. Another great resource is to look at the drug registry list
FOR PICTURES OF WHAT YOU SHOULD LOOK FOR TO AVOID RENTING OR BUYING A FORMER METH LAB GO TO: obtained from the Missouri State Highway Patrol and the DEA, show that no state comes close to Missouri for meth busts. California in 10th place had 68 meth lab busts in January alone. The pharmaceutical industry is now giving pharmacies in the state of Missouri a digitized system that will help in predicting who may be buying products for the manufacturing of meth.

If you suspect a meth lab, contact your local law enforcement office right away. Never try investigating the situation your self! For anonymous reasons you can contact or call 1-866-303-METH.
*Picture and graph from Information from and